A taste of science

mardi 7 mai 2019 @ 19h00 > 22h00 – One evening, four organisations, four recipes to make science the addictive party snack it deserves to be! There are many great initiatives that cater to our daily needs of tasty science bites, it is sometimes hard to keep track. Some like their science served with pints (guess who), others with stand-up comedy, music, cocktails or […]

Global Climate Science Day

mercredi 25 septembre 2019 @ 9h30 > 14h00 – Our planet is changing as a result of global warming! Interested in better understanding why and how? Come and join us for the presentation of the new IPCC report on Oceans and Cryosphere. A summary of the report will be presented to press and policy makers on 25 September in Monaco.  You are all invited to […]

Post-truth vs. Science Engagement: a Reversed Science Café

mardi 23 janvier 2018 @ 14h30 > 19h00 – Sparks organises a Reversed Science CafĂ© in Brussels! For science to respond to the needs and challenges of society, citizens must be engaged. The citizen-science dialogue that forms the basis of this engagement in research is under threat from the post-truth phenomenon. We find ourselves in times when objective facts lose influence to emotions and […]

Science & Cocktails #4 : Seeing with New Eyes

mercredi 7 fĂ©vrier 2018 @ 20h30 > 23h30 – Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe with Gravitational Waves What are gravitational waves and where do they come from? Why couldn’t we see them before? Which new things can we learn about the Universe? The new season of Science & Cocktails in Brussels begins with the story of some of the most violent events in […]

Science & Cocktails # 8 : Destination MARS

mercredi 21 novembre 2018 @ 20h30 > 23h30 – Is our technology ready for a mission to Mars? What are the « unknowns » we have to solve before a mission to Mars is possible? What about the psychological aspects of a Mars mission? Dirk Frimout, the first Belgian who has seen planet Earth from outer space, will bring us up to date on the next […]