Complet Conférence

Science & Cocktails #5 : Big brother is driving you par Hugues Bersini

mardi 27 mars 2018
20h30 > 23h30
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Atelier 210
Chaussée de Saint-Pierre 210 - 1040 Bruxelles
Plan d'accès

Informatique, Sciences et société

Enseignants Étudiants Passionnés Chercheurs



Plus d'informations

What can computers do to safeguard our public goods? How will they do it? Who will be in charge of writing the codes? Is this the beginning of a new democracy 3.0?

Do we really want it? What will be the role of artificial intelligence in all of this?

Only information technology is capable of providing the solutions that are necessary to face the complexification of our world and the multiplication of ecological, economic and societal threats.

The virtualization of all information, the multiplication of connection modes, the transformation of any object into a computer make possible the fully automated management of our public goods. The day after tomorrow, public transport impossible to fraud will optimize the traffic for a minimum ecological cost, intelligent sensors will ensure a sober energy consumption, financial contracts and others will not suffer from any possible defect and predictive algorithms will prevent all criminal activity.

Faced with the urgency, we will accept to entrust our existence into the hands of a « benevolent » big brother. The forbidden will really become so and deprivation will replace the punishment. But do we really want it?

Hugues Bersini will discuss new developments in artificial intelligence and their impact on society. Afterwards, chilled cocktails that will make us relax and objectively think about this unavoidable future.

Entrance to the event is free and it is held in English. No registration is necessary. Doors open at 19:30.


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