
Science & Cocktails #11 : Stem Cells in development, regeneration and diseases par Cédric Blampain (ULB) & Monolithe Noir

mercredi 27 février 2019
20h30 > 23h30
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Atelier 210
Chaussée de Saint-Pierre 210 - 1040 Bruxelles
Plan d'accès

Biologie, Sciences et société

Enseignants Étudiants Passionnés Chercheurs

7€ with a cocktail


Plus d'informations

What are stem cells? Do all tissues contain them and how many do we have? How do they contribute to create all the different cell types? What do they have to do with tissue regeneration or cancer initiation?

Professor of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology Cédric Blanpain will take us into the world of stem cell biology. His research group in Brussels uses ‘lineage-tracing’ techniques, which are techniques to identify an individual cell together with all its daughter cells, to study the role of stem cells both in development and in tissues. They have uncovered the existence of stem cells playing a role for skin repair.

His lab uses mouse genetics to identify the origin of epithelial cancers. They identified the cell at the origin of the cancer and the mechanisms regulating the early steps of tumor initiation in the most common forms of skin cancer. His lab developed new approaches to unravel the mode of tumor growth within their natural environment and to understand the mechanisms regulating cancer stem cell functions.

After the talk, homemade cocktails chilled by dry ice at the bar and live music on stage!

Entrance fee is 7 euros and includes a free cocktail (or any other drink from the bar). The event is held in English. Doors open at 19:30.


Cédric Blanpain

Professor, WELBIO investigator and director of the Laboratory of Stem Cells and Cancer in Brussels. Cedric Blanpain received prestigious awards including EMBO Young investigator award, the outstanding young investigator award of the International Society of Stem Cell Research 2012, the Liliane Bettencourt award for life sciences 2012, Josef-Maisin Award/quinquenal FNRS award 2015. He has been elected member of the EMBO in 2012, the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine 2015, and the Academia Europa 2016.

Monolithe Noir

Previously based in France where he founded a few pop bands and participate to other projects, Antoine Pasqualini aka Monolithe Noir moved to to Brussels, Belgium, land of the freedom. After breaking up with old compositions habits and traditional instruments, Antoine fell into modular synthesis, drone, ambient but always kept the drum parts and melodies from the past close to his heart.

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