
Global Climate Science Day

mercredi 25 septembre 2019
9h30 > 14h00
Ajouter à mon agenda

ULB Campus du Solbosch - Bâtiment S - Salle Dupréel
44 avenue Jeanne - 1050 Bruxelles
Plan d'accès

Environnement, Sciences et société

Enseignants Étudiants Passionnés Chercheurs



Plus d'informations


Our planet is changing as a result of global warming! Interested in better understanding why and how? Come and join us for the presentation of the new IPCC report on Oceans and Cryosphere. A summary of the report will be presented to press and policy makers on 25 September in Monaco.
🌎👉 You are all invited to join us for the live stream of this presentation in Brussels. Belgian scientists will discuss and clarify the results, and they will answer all your questions! Everybody welcome: youth, (PhD-)students, scientists, everybody who wants to learn more about oceans, cryosphere and the climate system! 👈🌎 Registration/Inscription/Inschrijving : Click here

ULB Campus Du Solbosch – Bätiment S – Salle Dupréel – Avenue Jeanne, 44 B-1050 Bruxelles


9:30 Welcome word by prof. Yvon Englert (rector ULB) and Josefien Hoerée (YouthForClimate)
10:00 Introductory lecture: Oceans, Cryosphere and Climate system (Prof. Nicole Van Lipzig, KULeuven, geography)
11:00 Live Screening release IPCC report
12:00 Lunch (free donation) + Press conference
13:00 Panel Discussion and Questions/Answers – moderated by GoodPlanet
  Scientific panel: Frank Pattyn (ULB, glaciology) , Gudrun De Boeck (UAntwerpen, marine biologist), Xavier Fettweis (ULiège, climatology), Anton Van de Putte (KBIN-IRSNB), Bruno De Lille (ULiège, chemical oceanography)

Plan d'accès pour ULB Campus du Solbosch – Bâtiment S – Salle Dupréel

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