Jobday Sciences ULB/VUB

jeudi 27 février 2020 @ 11h00 > 17h30 – The Jobday-Sciences is an annual career event for students in exact sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles  and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel . It is organized by the Cercle des Sciences ASBL and the Wetenschappelijke Kring, and is supported by four hosting faculties: the ULB Faculties of Sciences, Pharmacy, and Medicine, and the VUB Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences. Together […]

Special Relativity

vendredi 16 mars 2018 au samedi 17 mars 2018 @ 0h00 – Bahar Katoozi text, actress – Samaneh Zandinejad director – Hessam Nourani video – Ali Shirkhodaei video, technical director In Special Relativity, Bahar Katoozi takes on the role of a woman who examines her affair with a university professor through the prism of quantum physics. “Do black holes exist on the ocean floor and if they do, can you escape from them should you be engulfed […]

Post-truth vs. Science Engagement: a Reversed Science Café

mardi 23 janvier 2018 @ 14h30 > 19h00 – Sparks organises a Reversed Science Café in Brussels! For science to respond to the needs and challenges of society, citizens must be engaged. The citizen-science dialogue that forms the basis of this engagement in research is under threat from the post-truth phenomenon. We find ourselves in times when objective facts lose influence to emotions and […]

Science & Cocktails #9 : Anthropocene and its victims – Climate change, refugees and borders

mardi 4 décembre 2018 @ 20h30 > 23h30 – Will climate change drive mass migration to Europe? Is it possible to control and manage migration? What’s the best way to address climate-induced migration? In August of 2016, the Working Group on the Anthropocene presented a recommendation to the International Geological Congress that a new geological epoch needs to be declared: the Anthropocene, or the […]

An unrealistic way to build a real time machine

mercredi 19 décembre 2018 @ 19h30 > 22h00 – Hi space-friend ! Our 10th edition is on track and scheduled for the 19th of December.Could you slide into a wormhole and have a look in the past to see how they came up with this silly idea of a « Bûche de Noël » as a Christmas dessert? Could you enter in a strange blue box and go […]